Monday, September 1, 2014

Hip dysplasia

I've written one or two blogs about hip dysplasia in dogs. It is an affliction that is passed on in the genes. Sometimes it skips a generation and you would think your dog does not have the disease. You are right, they don't. But they are carriers of the gene and if you mate them their puppies may have hip dysplasia. It is not a curable disease. It can only be slowed down so the dog does not have to suffer the degenerating problem. 
This is our rottweiler. We adopted him at 6 months. From that age I could already tell that he had bad hips. Being a Myofunctional therapist i know what I had to do to ensure his hips do not degenerate further. So he gets his therapy when I see him limping. Sometimes it would be his front leg that he is limping from. He loves his therapy sessions. Today he is 3 years old. He walks very well, you can't even tell he has hip problem. He knows when he needs therapy and would come to me. Even my other dog who would on occasion pull her leg will come search for me to help her. The animals know when a session is beneficial to them,

So for those reading this blog, if you need a canine Myofunctional therapist for your canines, call me in 012 2096851 or you can email me in

Friday, May 16, 2014

Essential oils for your pets

This has been my latest project and will be sold to the general public. These scrubs I created has essential oils from Young Living. These ones are for humans. I shall be creating a series of shampoos, itch relief sprays, for the canines soon. These are only for canines. Cats are more sensitive so there will be another series for them. So watch this space.

Shooting for the recent rottie "Brianna"

Last night, a man took out his bow and arrow and shot twice at a rottweiler. One arrow went through her leg and the other on her body. A man heroically stopped this man from shooting for the third time at the dog. By the way, the dog was collared and was probably lost. All she wanted to do was to find her home. She thought that the gate was her home and was trying to get in but alas it wasn't and that was the consequence. An innocent dog seeking shelter suffered the consequence. What is the world coming to? The man in defence said that he was protecting his home and family from this dog. This man is of Islam faith and dogs in their eyes are haram. How is it possible that shooting a dog with an arrow considered legal? Where is the compassion. This man has been pictured in his prayer attire. In the eyes of God all living creature are God's creatures. It is unfortunate that this dog named brianna by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better succumbed to sever tick fever at the vets. 

This incident has caused an uproar amongst animal lovers. In this day and age, have we become so desensitized to other's needs? Even animals? Have we lost our compassion to animals? In this case, does he feel that he was threaten or that he just felt the dog was 'haram' and was encroaching his space and thus decided to shoot it. I don't know the real truth to this but this does not warrant a man carrying an armed weapon on the streets. That is deemed illegal. The worse of it is, he won't be charged for shooting Brianna. 

As an animal lover, an animal communicator and a canine therapist, I know that an animals will only attack if they feel threatened. This particular animal named Brianna was hoping to find her home. I doubt that she was a threat. She just chose the wrong house. Would you feel safe if this person walks around with a lethal weapon in his hands on the streets? What would stop him from carrying out his action again on another innocent dog? 

I am sad that this happen. I can condemn the man who carried out the action but I would rather send him love and compassion so that he sees what he has done. Words of hate only carry hate and cause a ripple effect of anger and creates more hate. Why not choose to help him find a higher understanding so he would realize that what he did was wrong and turn to a new leaf. It is harder to find compassion within ourselves than to harness anger. 

Brianna is now in a better place. Free to run and roam with her new friends. Free of pain and prejudice and judgements. RIP BRIANNA.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


For the past year and a half I have had a place in bangsar for treating canine myofunctional therapy. I have decided to move out from the rental to a new premise. The new address is : 5 Lorong Bukit Pantai 7, Jalan Bukit Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. For those who want to make an appointment with me to see your dogs, be it hip dysplasia of even healthy dogs i can be contacted on 016-3940968 I can be reached on we chat and what's app. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lost of a pet

It has been a sombre week. On early monday morning, Zoe lost her fight to cancer. I knew as a communicator that she didn't have long to go. She fought as long as she could and eventually went in her own terms. I asked the angels that if she goes, let it go in her sleep pain free. The angels took her soul peacefully early monday morning. She got up to say one last good bye to my husband and lied down to sleep forever. It was heartbreaking. Before she left us, she told me to have her body cremated which we did. The second part of her request we havent' fulfilled yet but will do so later in the year. 

When we suffer a loss, our hearts get broken, we hurt, we mourn. The love we have showered to our pets is unconditional. And so it should be unconditional. We tell ourselves, no more pets, no more pain but you see, we don't own our pets. We are carers for them and they teach us as they learn from us. Do not close your hearts because our pets leave us, always open your heart for another as there as so many abused pets that needs us. 


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Moving the centre

It has been a trying week. Our boxer has cancer and her life is failing. She is deteriorating fast. She cannot hold in her food so very little food is given at a time. In the meantime, I'm also preparing to move my existing to new premises. Moving my therapy business closer to home and the new healing centre into Hartamas. So those who are reading this blog, please pray for my little one. May she have a comfortable life and may she pass peacefully if it is to be. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


This is Zoe, our 12 year old boxer. I got to know her 9 years ago when I started dating my husband. At that time, she hadn't turn all white like in the photo now. Full of life and zest. She was only 4 years old. A young girl. The first time we met, she took on to me straight away. I fell in love with her straight away. Every time I visited my boyfriend then, she would come up to say hi to me.

Today, she's older, slower and ill. It saddens me and breaks my heart to hear the vet say she's got cancer. As with the breed, boxers tend to get mast cancer cells on their body. We took her in today as she had began to cough and there was blood in her sliver. The vet found a tumour growing around her tooth which cannot be every time she chews, she would bite into the growth and bleed. She hasn't been eating very well for the past few days. So under the advisement of the vet, blend all her food, feed her porridge. She is a fighter and she fights everyday to stay with us. Her breathing may be laboured at times but she fights.

As an animal communicator, I'm not immune to the pain that comes along. I know the love that zoe has for us. The fight for her life. I'm doing all I can to keep her comfortable. I give her healing, feed her organic food. The knowledge that she has a soul is some comfort but the pain of her not being there is a human emotion which I still possess. Zoe sits with me and follows me wherever I am. After this blog, I'll be doing some healing on her. She has been an angel and a gentle boxer so, I will do as much as she allows me because to heal completely, the soul has to be willing to be healed. I do communicate with her and she tells me how she is. I cannot share this information out as it is personal.

So please pray for her that she gets better, buy her a few more years. Thank you.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Dogs with Cancer

Recently our boxer who is now turning 12 had 2 lumps removed on two different occassions. On the second occassion we had the vet test out the lump and found out that it was cancerous and a nasty skin cancer. I have been noticing that she has been losing weight, and recently since her last operation she's been having more lumps. 

Previously she was on brown rice diet with vegetables, carrots and beef but she was finding it difficult and was recurgitating so, I've switched her diet to more organic, sweet potatoes, green vegetables, barley and salmon diet. This has stopped her from throwing up and she loves it. She doesn't recurgitate and I've been giving her healing and using my Young Living Oils which she loves. She will lie down, while I apply the oils on her hair, and do my healing. 

Shes not in any pain. Since she's 12 there isn't a point to put her through chemo. So, while she is comfortable and in no pain. Switching her diet, healing is working. 


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Young Living Oils

A few weeks back I wrote on Young living oils and how I've incorporated into my Myofunctional Therapy sessions. It really helps on calming the dog and also helps with the pain that they are experiencing. All animals are very sensitive when it comes to scent. They're nose can detect even the slightest change in mood in their humans. I did say mood. That is how they know when their humans are sad, happy, angry, depress..etc. You get the picture. To apply the oils, one drop goes a long long way for the little one. What I usually do is to mix it in water and spray around the room and around the dog to calm the dog down. What is great about young living oils are that the molecules of the oils are so small that a quick application and spray absorbs pretty quickly into the system.

On a different topic, the oils works wonders on us as well. A few days ago, with the haze so bad upon us, I was suffering from a really bad headache / migraine. I knew it would get worse as the haze continued. I did not want to take pain killers and I usually don't. I looked into my kit and applied peppermint on my head and neck area. Everytime the pain came on, I would apply the oil. 2 days the pain persisted, after the second day of applying the oil, I even applied it before I sleep, the pain completely disappeared! In fact applying peppermint and marjoram works wonders for headaches. I'm so grateful that I had in hand the Young Living oil.

If it worked for me, it most definitely will work on your pets. Try it. I have the oils at my centre.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Canine Therapy

How to best start this blog? 

Canine myofunctional therapy is all about the muscles of the dog. I see dogs that have hip displaysia, sprains, strains, arthritis and dogs who have seizures. What many don't realize is when I see a dog that has a symptom, not only do i treat the area but the whole body also gets the treatment. You see, when one part is in pain, the rest of the body will compensate which means stress and strain on the other part of the body muscle which could lead to injuries if nothing is done about it. So when ever I start my treatment, I pay attention to the muscles, the fascia, the hair follicles of the dog, the gait of a dog and I know when a dog has over used his front legs, or his back legs by feeling the muscles. Many think that it's simple, just massage the dog, yes i agree general massages you can get away with it but if you were to go deeper and don't know what you are doing, you may get bitten and you may even injure your dog further causing him more pain. It's like going to a massage place and having an inexperience person massage your body and coming out battered and bruised. I know I have done that before. Now I only go to a person who is qualified and who would not abuse my body. The philosophy of no pain no gain just doesn't work sometimes. 

For dogs, if they are in pain, they will not hesitate to warn you, by growling and if you ignore it, they will bite. My treatment does not necessarily mean they won't feel pain, they will fell it depending on how severe they're condition are but the difference is this, I pay attention to their behaviour, what they tell me and adjust accordingly. I can't tell the dog "No Pain No Gain"..they will just inflict the pain on me! :D 

As an experienced canine myofunctional therapist, i've learned to look out for signs from the dogs through their eyes, their character, trusting my hands when I treat them. I've seen hyper dogs when I start therapy that calms down at the end of the therapy and sleeps. Trust with myself and the dog is very crucial and at the end when the dog feels relax and happy and well he will wag his tail the next time he sees me. Now that is reward in my eyes. 
My dog after therapy session happily sleeping away.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

In this case, what is good for your pets is good for the humans. As many of you know that I distribute Nzymes for pets. I believe in the product and I can see the difference in makes in my pets. I decided that since Nzymes also have human pro biotics and enzymes, I ordered some into the centre. So now new in stock, Nzymes for humans 
Limited stock. Nzymes for humans.

As what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. My last posting I talked about using essential oils on pets. Now, understandably, I do not apply the oils directly onto the pet for it is too strong for them and they do have very sensitive noses. So, I rub the oils using my hands and start the therapy that way. Pets aren't as dumb as you think. They do have their favourite oils and smells. And they know the benefits of the oils. One of my client's dog, as soon as he smells Pan Away, he relaxes and lies down. Pan away benefits and advantages is the it eases the aches and pains. He has got hip dysplasia. So, he is one smart labrador! :) 

If you are interested in purchasing any of the oils, I have them available at 110 Jalan Terasek 2, Bangsar. Alternaltively you can call me and order the oils on 016-394 0968

These are the oils I have in stock at the moment. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Canine Myofunctional Therapy with young living oils

This is Marlow. My client's dog who has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. As a therapist I do see a lot of hip dysplasia problem dogs due to inbreeding. In Marlow's case, he was in pain and couldn't even stand up and stopped eating. He was on pain killers and a type of glucosamine prescribed by the vet (i cannot remember the name right now). The first therapy I did, he was uncomfortable, in pain when I touched his hip area.

During his second treatment, I decided to use some essential oils while treating him. I use the Young Living Oils. Now Marlow is a very excitable dog and he will not relax and sit down. The second session with the oils, I applied lavender first to relax him, followed by peace and calm and finally Pan away. Immediately I could see him relaxing, calming down. While I do not apply the oils on his skin directly, (I rubbed on my hands first to release the smells), the aroma from the oils is sufficient to calm this excitable dog. He allowed me to slowly treat his hind hip area and there was no pain when I did the rotations and stretches on him. At the end, he relaxed and slept. 

The third time, again I used the oils on him while treating him. He has his favourite oils and he chose calm and peace and pan away. Now Pan Away oil is an essential oil blend and it helps with aches and pains..that's why he chose it. He relaxed immediately upon smelling the oil and even lied down on the side that has hip dysplasia. 

Why am I writing this? Well, as a therapist I'm constantly looking for ways for dogs to relax and calm down during treatment and the young living oils are great for the treatment. It complements what I do very well. When the dog is relaxed, I can concentrate on what needs to be done. 

Marlow is off his pain killers, his walk is better but hip dysplasia cases, there are no cures unless you take him / her for operation and even that there is no guarantee. The therapy will help to slow down the degeneration process of the muslces, strengthen the muscles that holds the socket and ball of the bone. 

For those interested in the therapy, I can be contacted on

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas present

This is brandi, we adopted her 3 years ago. She was a little thing. Mixed breed poodle/beagle. She would pee and miss her tray, she would eat up her poo maybe cos her fosterers scolded her when she messed up. I was wondering why this girl never poo only to discover she was eating it.

So, her retraining began. I first assured her everyday that it's ok to poo and there's nothing wrong with it. I will clean it up. I didn't scold her and this process took almost a month before she was comfortable with the whole poo issue. We were fortunate to already have an older dog. She watched him and learned very quickly to do her business outside when we take both of them out for their walks. 

Today she is a very well behave dog, playful, cheeky, loving, caring and I will never ever replace or be rid of her. She's out little baby. 

All it takes is a little patience and training. 

Monday, January 6, 2014


theI am a true believer for cooking for your pets. After all my pets are my babies and I am their carer so they deserve the best in the food they are eating and that includes treats. They are already eating home cooked food and home bake biscuits. I decided to take a step further, beef jerkies. I've made these before and they gobble it up in 1 second..actually i don't think it made it to 1 second...more like half a second. If anyone want to order home made beef jerky please contact me on 016-3940968 or email me on

Just placed in the dehydrator

the process has started. 

It takes 2 days for these to be ready. Its a slow process so if you want to order, please be patient and I'll make it fresh for you. 

Have a great day! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Animal Communication

During my recent trip to hawaii, taking a break from work, i realize where ever there are animals, I naturally gravitate towards them, and 'talk' to them. This shot is of me with the horses in Turtle bay stable taken by my husband. I rarely have my photos taken as I'm always behind the camera. The love of the horse, the gentleness of his entire being was what I was exchanged between us.