Friday, May 16, 2014

Shooting for the recent rottie "Brianna"

Last night, a man took out his bow and arrow and shot twice at a rottweiler. One arrow went through her leg and the other on her body. A man heroically stopped this man from shooting for the third time at the dog. By the way, the dog was collared and was probably lost. All she wanted to do was to find her home. She thought that the gate was her home and was trying to get in but alas it wasn't and that was the consequence. An innocent dog seeking shelter suffered the consequence. What is the world coming to? The man in defence said that he was protecting his home and family from this dog. This man is of Islam faith and dogs in their eyes are haram. How is it possible that shooting a dog with an arrow considered legal? Where is the compassion. This man has been pictured in his prayer attire. In the eyes of God all living creature are God's creatures. It is unfortunate that this dog named brianna by Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better succumbed to sever tick fever at the vets. 

This incident has caused an uproar amongst animal lovers. In this day and age, have we become so desensitized to other's needs? Even animals? Have we lost our compassion to animals? In this case, does he feel that he was threaten or that he just felt the dog was 'haram' and was encroaching his space and thus decided to shoot it. I don't know the real truth to this but this does not warrant a man carrying an armed weapon on the streets. That is deemed illegal. The worse of it is, he won't be charged for shooting Brianna. 

As an animal lover, an animal communicator and a canine therapist, I know that an animals will only attack if they feel threatened. This particular animal named Brianna was hoping to find her home. I doubt that she was a threat. She just chose the wrong house. Would you feel safe if this person walks around with a lethal weapon in his hands on the streets? What would stop him from carrying out his action again on another innocent dog? 

I am sad that this happen. I can condemn the man who carried out the action but I would rather send him love and compassion so that he sees what he has done. Words of hate only carry hate and cause a ripple effect of anger and creates more hate. Why not choose to help him find a higher understanding so he would realize that what he did was wrong and turn to a new leaf. It is harder to find compassion within ourselves than to harness anger. 

Brianna is now in a better place. Free to run and roam with her new friends. Free of pain and prejudice and judgements. RIP BRIANNA.