Sunday, July 21, 2013

West Highlands Terriers for adoption

On a late Friday morning on the 19 July 2013, I had the pleasure to take photos of 2 adorable west highland terriers. They are currently residing in the Kechara Animal Sanctuary. These two were rescued from uscrupulous breeder who wants basically using them for breeding and selling the pups to the public who wants to buy a west highland terriers for RM2000 - RM4000 in pet shops or even selling themselves to the public but without ever letting the interested parties to view the mother. These two were so overbred that one of them now has a heart condition, dry eyes and she is hard of hearing. They have been living in a cage and they are only 4 years old. Those who have bought west highlands from pet shops, see the reality of the situation. These two were sent to be put down by the breeder because they have served their usage. So, it's a use and dispose situation.
Mehlnha who is suffering from a skin condition but now recovering with the help of Kechara Sanctuary

SO, continue to close your eyes, look away and buy cute puppies from the pet shops, then wonder, why does my puppy have skin problem? Why are they walking funny? Bad breeding causes this. Bad breeders do not care what happens to the female dog that breeds..which incidently starts when they are 6 months old or as soon as they are on heat. Money rules! That's all they see, not the live dogs in front of them. Over breeding causes the heart to weaken, such is the case of Jampa, one of the west highland females. She cannot run too fast for fear of straining her heart, she walks slowly like she's an old dog but she's only 4 years old.

Luckily, these two females were so happy when I photographed them. They do not hold grudges, they aren't depress. They are just glad that they are free, out and about and do not have to give birth to another litter of puppies. They have been saved. So please, do not buy a puppy you see in the pet shop because they are cute. Discourage breeders from breeding. Always adopt. There are so many out there that are being dumped everyday. Animals have feelings too.

Jampa who is suffering from dry eyes, heart condition and is hard of hearing. She will be on medication for the rest of her life. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hello July

Liz Mitten Ryan with one of her wild horses
I realized that it's been a while I've written on this blog. To be honest, I've been busy with my new centre. I have just gotten back from a very interesting conference held in Warwickshire, UK. A 2 day conference called "Awakening to Animals" held in June 22-23rd. It was insightful, interesting and I love meeting like minded people. Those who do not judge and say I'm Dr. Doolittle. It isn't easy when I say that I'm an animal communicator and a canine myofunctional therapist. There were speakers that came from South Africa, the beautiful Linda Tucker who single handedly saved the white lions of timbavati. Such beautiful animals who is till today being hunted for as trophies. She was at Westminster after the conference to present arguments to make it illegal for hunted white lions be brought into English ports. Unfortunately, in Africa, it is legal to hunt these beautiful animals. So, the next thing she could do, make it illegal for those hunted lions to be brought back into the UK. If this bill gets passed, it will have a knock on effect. She made a strong argument. Today she has a White Lion Trust to protect the majestic animals. To read more on it log on to
The beautiful Linda Tucker with a white lion

Next speaker was Dr. Daniel Allen, and enthusiast and obsess with otters. His passion to save the otters in the UK, the extinction of certain breed of otters in the world was inspiring. I personally don't have any affiliation to otters except that they are so cute and adorable and I saw them once in Florida, in the lake, popping their heads out of the water, swimming and playing with each other. They are a treasure. After hearing from the speaker, I must admit, these are creatures that do need saving. They need our help too. You can read on Dr. Daniel Allen and his amazing works on his website:

Then there was Liz Mitten Ryan, who lives with wild horses on her acreage in Canada. These horses are wild. This is the message excerpt  from the horses there,
"First of all, we are a privileged herd. Living as we would, in the wild- yet being loved and doted upon - is a rare occurrence in horse-human relationships. As horses, we are respected, treated as equals; our knowledge and contribution are much sort after. It is hard for people to communicate with animals when they have preconceived ideas of what is or what is not acceptable in their belief system." -Limited Edition (LE) speaking for the herd ( excerpt from Liz Mitten Ryan's book One with the herd ) It is her journey to discover spiritual awakening with the wild horses. She doesn't attempt to dominate or structure their comings and goings on her 320 acre land. They come and go as they please. These horses does the extraordinary. They release negative energies on the humans that come for healing. They are the healers. It is simply amazing to watch the film brought by Liz and her wild herd. You can log on her website on

written by liz mitten ryan

The next speaker was Catherine O'Driscoll. Another interesting speaker. She was talking about the dangers of over vaccination of your pets. She only found out the effects of vaccination after her 2 young dogs died because of adverse reaction to vaccines. She founded Canine Health Concern in 1994 and promotes real food and complementary healthcare options for animals. She has numerous books published one of which is "What the vets don't tell you about vaccines." You can buy the book online in Amazon or you may find it locally in the bookstores. You can read her website on
Written by Catherine O'Driscoll

There were other speakers there too, one who spoke about re population on panda bears in china, one who swims with orcas and dolphins and she communicates with them.

All the speakers made me realize and reinforced the thought that animals are put on earth to teach us to love, to be open and to be unconditional with our love. To not be selfish. However they get treated, they forgive just as easily. A trait very hard for humans to swallow. They get hunted, killed and yet they are gentle to humans. Isn't it time we learn from them and not demand them to behave in a specific way, to tame them is to kill us. We are indeed blinded if we close our lives to what the want to teach and give.

Next year there will be another "Awakening to Animals" held in September 2014. Go like them on FB page. The dates will be there for next year as the it escapes me currently.

Catherine O'Driscoll with one of her Golden Retrievers