Monday, September 1, 2014

Hip dysplasia

I've written one or two blogs about hip dysplasia in dogs. It is an affliction that is passed on in the genes. Sometimes it skips a generation and you would think your dog does not have the disease. You are right, they don't. But they are carriers of the gene and if you mate them their puppies may have hip dysplasia. It is not a curable disease. It can only be slowed down so the dog does not have to suffer the degenerating problem. 
This is our rottweiler. We adopted him at 6 months. From that age I could already tell that he had bad hips. Being a Myofunctional therapist i know what I had to do to ensure his hips do not degenerate further. So he gets his therapy when I see him limping. Sometimes it would be his front leg that he is limping from. He loves his therapy sessions. Today he is 3 years old. He walks very well, you can't even tell he has hip problem. He knows when he needs therapy and would come to me. Even my other dog who would on occasion pull her leg will come search for me to help her. The animals know when a session is beneficial to them,

So for those reading this blog, if you need a canine Myofunctional therapist for your canines, call me in 012 2096851 or you can email me in