In the past month, I've had phone calls to find the owner's missing pets. I am surprise that I get these calls as my work does not entail in lost pets. Why don't I do it?
1. I need at least 3 communicators in order for me to start the process
2. The pet can only be located within 24 hours
I do not have the resources. With myself alone doing the process, it will take me 3 days to recover.
People do wonder what is animal communication? Do I talk to them verbally? The answer is yes I talk to animals and no not done verbally. Every communication I have done is through energy work. There are surprises when I 'talk' to the animals. They can reveal the secrets of the owner, the family, the house or sometimes they don't say anything at all. With each communication, my energy dissipates. I have learned to protect myself in order for my energy not to get drained. With the work on lost animals, a bigger energy is needed in order to find the animal. How I do it? I connect to the animal to where he or she is and the message is conveyed that way. A lot more energy is needed when I do so and hence 3 people to share the work load. Finding lost animals is a huge endeavor for the communicator.
Why 24 hours? Again is is because of energy. Each pet has energy within them. So, as each hour passes and each day passes, it will become thinner and thinner which will make it difficult to locate the animal.
So when I decline to perform a 'search' of lost pets, it is not because I do not want to do it, it is because each 'search' for lost pets will be draining for me. It is not to say that I don't take the search for lost pet, I do but only on discretion and depending on circumstances.