For a very long time now I've been battling the tick problem. I do not frontline my dogs as I do not believe in slowly poisoning my dogs. Plus, frontline does not work on my dog anymore. I still find ticks on him and it's frustrating! I have in the past used frontline with my previous dogs. The decision to stop using frontline, IT DOESN'T WORK ON MY DOGS! Maybe these ticks my dogs pick up are super ticks that are immune to frontline or they've grown so immune with the medicine. In any case, I started using a holistic product call Bio X debug. It works but slower. It's a spray bottle that I spray on my two little ones before I take them for walks.
Recently, I decided to treat my niece to soap making class. This got me thinking. I could make soap for my dogs with the necessary essential oils to prevent ticks. So yesterday I made their soap which by the way is also natural. I already had the essential oils in my home. I added it into the soap and today washed my dogs with it! It smelled great, their furs are much softer and on drying my male dog, the ticks died! Great! Who knows this could progress!!