I have recently brought in 2 products for your pets. It is suitable for horses, cats, dogs, birds. It's a holistic product from the US, contains no yeast, gluten, sugar or starch and all the ingredients are Human Grade. What does it do? This is a very powerful 'antioxidant formula' found in Nzymes Antioxidant Treats and Nzymes Sprouted Granules has has been recommended by doctors, veterinarians and breeders for over 20 years. This product help to improve the body's ability to use good nutrition to help strengthen the immune system and improve health, mobility and vitality and longevity in pets of all ages.
As we all know, pets past a certain age especially senior dogs will suffer from musculoskeletal inflammation ie. arthritis. A study was conducted using this product by veterinarians and it was found that out 387 dogs aged from 6 months - 18 years that 88 % showed significant improvement in mobility, range of motion, felief of pain and reduction of swelling. 12% of the dogs did not show significant improvement until the fourth week of treatment. Overall, the mobility of all the dogs increased as treatment time extended past the initial response point.
I have both the treats and the granules and they both perform the same function. In today's diet to our pets, there is not enough nutrients for the pets. And as we all know, our pets these days suffer from osteoarthritis, inflammation, joint pain, hip dysplasia, pano, OCD, HOD, Shedding, hair loss, dry skin, itchy skin, digestive disorders, gastritis, pet food allergies, epilepsy, fatigue, hot spots and many other stress related symptoms contributed by a weakened immune system.
Our body need enzymes to function. Without enzymes, neither vitamins, minerals nor hormones can do the work it needs in our body. The same goes for our pets.
If any of you want to buy the products, please email me at: happydogz13@gmail.com
The prices:
Nzymes Granules: RM171
Nzymes Treats: RM85
Prices are not inclusive of postage and packing.
I will also be in Jaya One on the 11th December for the Christmas Pets Bazaar. I hope to see you there!