Monday, December 12, 2011

Santa Paws Event on 11/12/11

Santa Paws event held at Jaya One has come and gone. There weren't many booths taken up on that day but that didn't matter. There were plenty of canines! There was a section where the dogs could socialize and there was even a trainer available to give out advice. Santa was out and you could take photos with him with your canine friend. The photos were free and there was a donation box where you could donate some money to the SPCA.

On that day, I had a table whereby I was selling holistic supplements for animals, promoting and raising awareness on canine myofunctional therapy and the benefits of it. There was a sale of novelty collars and jewellery for humans too! There was a box whereby I was raising money for an animal shelter in Egypt named Touch of Life as well as 10% of my sales will go towards the organization as well. Why I am raising money for a shelter not based in Malaysia? Well, Malaysian shelters have gotten a wide awareness from the public. They get donations from the public as well as the government (if they have NGO status). I decided, why not try raising awareness for other shelters from other countries? In Egypt, the animal shelter do not get governmental aid and they rely solely on donations by the public. Vets are hard to come by. Recently there was a horse that was abandoned, with broken legs that was lying on the road for at least a week. It was emanciated and who knows what was wrong with it. The shelter was desperately looking for a vet but I think none was found. The horse died a few hours after being found. That is just one of the heart wrenching stories in Egypt. I did raise some monies for the shelter. This will be a continued task on my part to raise so more monies for this shelter in order for the animals be fed and taken care of.

Back to the Santa paws event, my ambassador for that day was my little female poogle (poodle/beagle). She was an adorable little dog on that day. All calm, cool and collective. She checked out everything that was there, sat and took care of my stall and behaved herself. I am a very proud mum!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Photos of an English Cocker Spaniel

This is a great photo of an English Cocker Spaniel. I had the privilege
of taking his photos a few days back. Many owners who owns an English Cocker Spaniel are aware of the problems that occurs in them. Namely, the cockers are prone to ear infection. It occurs because their ears covers over and the ears does not get air to circulate. Hence, ear infection and constant visitation to the vet. Ear infection can be under control. Just monitor your Spaniel's ear constantly and watch him closely when he starts to scratch his ears more than usual. Catching it early will help a fast recovery.
For more photos, please visit:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Products for your pets

I have recently brought in 2 products for your pets. It is suitable for horses, cats, dogs, birds. It's a holistic product from the US, contains no yeast, gluten, sugar or starch and all the ingredients are Human Grade. What does it do? This is a very powerful 'antioxidant formula' found in Nzymes Antioxidant Treats and Nzymes Sprouted Granules has has been recommended by doctors, veterinarians and breeders for over 20 years. This product help to improve the body's ability to use good nutrition to help strengthen the immune system and improve health, mobility and vitality and longevity in pets of all ages.

As we all know, pets past a certain age especially senior dogs will suffer from musculoskeletal inflammation ie. arthritis. A study was conducted using this product by veterinarians and it was found that out 387 dogs aged from 6 months - 18 years that 88 % showed significant improvement in mobility, range of motion, felief of pain and reduction of swelling. 12% of the dogs did not show significant improvement until the fourth week of treatment. Overall, the mobility of all the dogs increased as treatment time extended past the initial response point.

I have both the treats and the granules and they both perform the same function. In today's diet to our pets, there is not enough nutrients for the pets. And as we all know, our pets these days suffer from osteoarthritis, inflammation, joint pain, hip dysplasia, pano, OCD, HOD, Shedding, hair loss, dry skin, itchy skin, digestive disorders, gastritis, pet food allergies, epilepsy, fatigue, hot spots and many other stress related symptoms contributed by a weakened immune system.

Our body need enzymes to function. Without enzymes, neither vitamins, minerals nor hormones can do the work it needs in our body. The same goes for our pets.

If any of you want to buy the products, please email me at:
The prices:
Nzymes Granules: RM171
Nzymes Treats: RM85

Prices are not inclusive of postage and packing.
I will also be in Jaya One on the 11th December for the Christmas Pets Bazaar. I hope to see you there!

Friday, November 11, 2011


It is that time of the year's WORLD ANIMAL DAY!! This year it is being held at Desa Park City, Kepong and it starts at 3 - 7.30pm. Hopefully, we'll have good weather and things go smoothly on that day. This year I have decided to have a booth for both the canine therapy and animal communication. I will also have anti-oxidant treats and granules for sale on that day. Additionally, I will be selling muffins and biscuits for the canines, all home baked by myself. 10% of the sales goes to the SPCA. So if you happen to not have anything to do on Sunday 13th, pop over to desa park city with your canines and have a nice day out. Come visit my booth!! See you there!

Dog training

I have been asked many times by a number of dog owners whether I'm a dog trainer as I am an animal communicator. My answer has always been the same..'NO I am not a dog trainer. I am an animal communicator.' I talk to animals, find out what is troubling them and relate it to the owner. And find some kind of compromise if need be between the owner and pet. So there is a negotiation between the two.

A dog trainer, trains the behaviour of the dog to perform certain things like, sit, stay, stop jumping on the guests and owner...etc. you get the idea. I am sure many of you have heard of Cesar Milan..he's a dog whisperer aka dog trainer. Anyway, for those of you who want to learn on how to train your dogs to behave, please have a look at this link below. This trainer enforces positive training on the dogs. I am sure you will find training tips as I did. Enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Leash or unleash

My husband and I walk our dogs twice a day on the leash because with it is safer for us, for all those around us. They are not fierce dogs nor do they attack. The leash helps us control them, making sure they do not get knock down by cars, kicked by people who do not like dogs. Back in the UK, I would let my old dog off leash at the park so that she can have a run around. She would never go far. Always looking back for me. I feel safer as the park is well away from the roads, there are lots of space and there are other dogs that she can play with. Malaysia is different. There is one or two parks that is dog friendly and it has to be on leash. Now I have seen owners walking their dogs off leash here, while walking on the pavement on a busy road. Yes, your dog may be well behave, well trained but what if he sees a cat across the street? How are you going to stop him? Before you know it, he would have run across the street chasing the cat. Now imagine the road full of cars and your dog running across it. What are the chances that your dog will NOT get knock down by a car?

Be a responsible owner. Always leash your dog when on main roads or if there are people you know that may not like dogs.

Friday, October 14, 2011


In my past post I wrote about the dangers of yearly vaccinations. My one year old female beagle/poodle recently had to take her one year shot. In fact today I took her to the vet to have her shots. She won't be getting another shot until 2013. I realize that having yearly booster or in my case two yearly booster can compromise her immune system. Now, I do not want my little poogle to fall ill after her vaccinations. So, I administer one dose of Thuja 30c which will help her immune system and next week I will administer Sulphur 6c for a week to maintain her health. These are homeopathic medicine that I give my dogs. I am an avid supporter of alternative medicines and homeopathic medicine do not harm your pets or yourself. It is very safe.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Problems with ticks?

I wrote recently about using this natural product that kills and prevents ticks effectively on my dogs. The reason why I started using it was after my brother asked me to try it out as he uses it for his dog and also around and in his house. You see, this product not only kills ticks, it also eliminates fleas, mites which means you can even spray it on your bed at home as we all know, there are mites living in our bed feeding off our dead skin. That's a fact. So, it is no surprise that sometimes we wake up in bed scratching away.

The second reason is this, spot on didn't work on my dog. He kept getting infested with ticks everytime we take him out for his walks. It's annoying, and worrying. It only takes one infected tick for the dog to get tick fever. So far, we've been lucky. Now since using this product, he no longer gets infested with ticks. Yes we do still get one or two ticks, but out comes the spray and the ticks just drops off..DEAD!

Thirdly, I didn't believe in slowly poisoning my dog with spot on or the spray. And if you are using the frontline spray for tick prevention, you are advised to not hug, touch your dog for at least a day. Reason, it's poison and it may be damaging to your health in the long run. But how many of us adhere to that? I know I can't stop myself from stroking my dog and giving him and her (I have two dogs) a kiss. And I have done it before when I was using frontline. Do you know that it is dangerous? That it is a carcinogen?

On to natural products. I have tried mixing my on concoction. I was told tea tree oil mix with eucalyptus mix with water works wonders! I tried it..the problem is, when I put it into the spray bottle, the oil would clog up the spray and soon it would be impossible to get an even spray from the bottle. Maybe it's the way the spray was design. So I gave up on that. Although yes I have heard tea tree oil works on fleas. Not sure about ticks. By the way, if you want to apply tea tree oil onto the dog's skin directly, you need to know how much to apply and personally I don't think it's a good idea until you have read up on it and do your research.

This new product I have currently, is being sold in Singapore. In fact it comes from Singapore as the manufacturers are there. It is called Bio-X d'Bug. It eliminates fleas, ticks and mites. This is great because, if your dog suffers from skin condition, it will help it tremendously and also heals it. The first point of healing when having skin problems is to heal the condition of the skin as it is the immediate problem. The second is to build up it's immune system in order for the condition to not flare up. That would be another product. Bio-X d'bug is safe & eco friendly. It comes in a 220ml spray bottle. It's active ingredient is Etofenprox which was classified by WHO as "unlikely to present acute hazard in human use" and US EPA classed this as "Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans..." So when you spray it on your pets or your home, you can immediately hug your pet, for the home, as it is non-toxic, you can rest easy knowing you are safe in your own home.

Next question is, how much is it? It is sold at RM58 per bottle. Is it expensive?? Well, honestly it isnt. Why? Because, not only does it kill ticks and mites, it is also a deodarizer. So when your dog starts to give out a smell, you can spray it on him instead of buying the perfumes for pets which also has harmful chemicals.

Interested? Email me I currently have 4 bottles left.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Canine Therapy

I recently had a new client today regarding her little dog. In fact the dog is my 'client'. At first he was very unsure about what I was doing to him as he constantly turn round and bite me. His muscles were very tight and it was a new experience for him. Loosening his fascia and kneading into his muscles can be quite uncomfortable in the first treatment and subsequent treatments. I knew that he wasn't trying to hurt me and for the better part, he is a very sweet dog. The poor thing suddenly loss the use of his hind legs hence overusing and over compensating on the other muscles. I'm not writing about this client as every client I see have got their records and are confidential. What I am writing about is about the benefits of therapy. Some call it massage. Yes in layman's terms I guess you could call it that but it is more than just laying my hands on the dog and stroking him. There is a certain amount of pressure that I will apply on the dog, manipulate it's fascia to loosen any adhesions in the dog's body which can be uncomfortable. There are certain strokes that I will apply and sometimes I apply TTouch on the dog when it's too painful using the stroking action. Many times I get asked, 'Do you put a muzzle on the dog if it's aggressive?'. There is one of two answers: 1. I do not muzzle the dog because it isn't a punishment and the dog will not relax as it associate muzzle negatively i.e. to stop attacking people. 2. If the dog bites and breaks my skin, I will refuse to continue any further. After all I need my hands to work on the dog.

I get asked how long is one session. The maximum time that a dog will allow me to 'massage' him/her is 30 minutes. In fact 30 minutes is sufficient to complete the therapy. Now back to the client I first mentioned, after a few minutes, he relaxed and his muscles were no longer reacting to the massage. If anyone of you think that this is easy, well, first learn up on the musculo skeletal of the dog. I do not do this blindly. I have learned about the muscles and skeleton of the dogs. When the therapy can be applied and when I cannot do it. Contraindication of when I cannot give a 'massage':
1. When there's a spinal injury
2. Cancer
3. when they are under pain killers

So the next time someone says to you or the pet shop states, we massage dogs as well as groom, ask them, what kind of massage they do then ask them, what qualification do they have.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Experimenting with props

Recently, I was so inspired to take up my camera again to take photos on pets. So, I decided to put a few things together, and coaxed my two little ones to pose for me. It was very challenging for the most part. They just would not sit still!! Such are challenges when dealing with pets. But it was fun. Here are a few shots I took.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Season of ticks

It is that time of the year, or rather it's all year here it seems for ticks to appear in your dogs. I have this problem and tackle it constantly. At first I applied spot on which is the recommended 'medicine' to prevent ticks for your dogs by vets and pet shops but what few realize is that some ticks become so immune to it that it stops to work. Such is my case. Spot on just doesn't work on my west highland terrier. Plus, few do not realize, spot on has got a little poison that seeps into your pet's skin in order to deter and kill ticks. How much poison does it have? I assume a minimal amount but when you apply it every month which is recommended and for the rest of the dog's does work up to alot. It will slowly build in your dog. So what do I do now? I've resorted to holistic approach and it works. Sure I still find one or two ticks but at least it isn't a whole infestation on my dog.

Why do tick like to 'hang' on to my westie? Well, it has alot to do with his blood. Many do not realize that if the dog's blood is thin, ticks love it and therefore you will find ticks on him/her. Dogs that do not have sufficient nutrition, will be exposed to ticks. SO what do I do? Well, I am currently giving him homeopathic remedy which is given orally and an organic spray to deter ticks. The homeopathic remedy is to enrich his blood giving my westie the necessary defence against the ticks and hopefully deter the ticks. When dogs are healthy, they live a happier life and tick free!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Exercising your pet

Pet ownership, especially if you own a dog, carries along a new set of responsibility. A pet is not something you buy or adopt because your child wants it, nor is it something you can discard when you are bored or ignore once they are in your home. They are a part of your family and should be treated like a part of your family. They want to feel love, wanted and to be taken out for walks. Every morning and evening, my dogs look forward to their walks. They will sit in front of us in the evening telling us, it's time to go out. In the morning, our female will wake up, jump off the bed and nudge us with her cold nose to get up so that she can go for her walks. I want to tell you today about exercising your dog(s). Exercising your pets is essential for their health. The benefits you will get from your dogs are boundless.

Walking with your dog has so many benefits for owners and for the dogs:
1. It gives you a workout. You don't have to pay a huge amount of money to the gym for a brisk walk with your dog.
2. It creates a stronger bond between you and your dog and make you both closer to each other.
3. It keeps the dogs muscles supple and keeps the dog healthy
4. Dogs that do go for their daily walks, exercise or runs, will be less likely to suffer from dementia when they are older. It is a very sad to see dogs that are going senile in their old age.

Every dog that I have had, I've had a special bond with them all. My first west highland terrier, was with me through my ups and downs. I would take her out for long walks in London when I was living there and we would have such fun. The joys of having to walk her off the leash and watching her jump in and out of lakes was priceless. Then to see a smile on her face was so precious. I know in Malaysia, walking your dogs off leash is impossible, the restriction imposed by DBKL, the cars on the road would be unsafe as there are no parks that your dog can walk unleash. Also there is the problem on irresponsible owners that just do not pick up their dog's waste (that's in my last blog).

Practise responsible ownership. Exercise your dogs and pick up your dog's waste because it will create a more positive atmosphere between non dog owners and dog owners.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Responsible pet ownership

It is a horrid experience for anyone doing their morning exercises around the housing area to step on dog faeces also known as DOG POO. Some pet owners do not pick up after their dogs. While I am an animal lover, it is very annoying when I step on dog poo!! In fact, I find myself swearing under my breath and cursing the irresponsible dog owner. Now, here's something to think about. I am a dog lover and already find the experience horrid. Now imagine a person who hates dogs. This is the situation we are facing today. It is irresponsible when the owners just open the gate, allow the dog to run out and do their business then come back into the house without facing any consequences, just because they don't want the dog to soil the house compound. It is very ignorant and irresponsible to think that if the pets have gone out on their own accord, they've already had their exercise. First there is the problem on who will pick up their poo? If the owner thinks that, it's ok, the rain will wash it away, there's a misconception there. It doesn't wash off immediately. Where is the consideration for their neighbours? We live in a day and age that people are so selfish and only think about themselves. Next, what if your dog gets hit by a car? Do you then start to feel the responsibility or the guilt? Worse still, they go out and get another dog. Do we really need to give DBKL more reasons to restrict on dog ownership?

The responsibility of owning a pet is not only to feed your pet and to ensure he/she has enough water, it is the quality time spend with your pet, the love you shower your pets, that also includes walking your pets, which ensures he/she gets enough exercise and picking up after your pets. Is that so difficult to do? Dogs aren't just there to take care of your house, they are a part of the family and should be treated like a part of the family. Adopting a dog is a noble thing to do. I applaud those who do. What happens after adoption is entirely up to the new owner. How you treat the dog is what really matters. It isn't enough to just tie him / her up and leave her outside and feed her. He/ she needs love and companion. Give your pets a chance into your heart and you will see how rewarding it is.

Please pick up after your pets. Do not allow any more reasons for those who dislike dogs, to hate them even more.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Foods to avoid giving to your dogs

Hi All! I was just sitting by my computer and realized that many people do not realize that there are certain foods that your pet dogs should not be given. Not only should it not be given, but it is also dangerous to your dog's health if eaten. I will list 10 most common 'foods'
1. Chocolate
2. Raisins
3. Grapes
4. Caffeine
5. Pet or human drugs (I know some pet owners do give benadryl to their pets)
6. snail or slug poison
7. Insecticide ( this is obvious)
8. Toads (there are plenty around that your pet might just put his/her mouth around it)
9. Household chemicals (make sure they are kept away from pets)
10. Certain plants can be harmful for your pets.

Prevention is better than cure. So for the loving pet owners out there, please take note. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Animal Communication Workshop with Rosina Arquati

It was about a bit over a year ago that this workshop caught my attention..Animal Communication workshop. It is the first time that this workshop has been brought to Malaysia and I have been wondering whether I can communicate with animals as I have a passion for them. So I enrolled into this workshop and the rest as they say is history. I am a qualified animal communicator after completing all three levels and a healer for animals. The journey has been long and it is still ongoing. So I was excited that Rosina, my teacher is now coming back to Malaysia for a level 1 workshop. Anyone who loves their pets, who are curious as to what your pets are thinking, and how to help them, please attend the workshop. It is a once in a lifetime experience. This workshop provided me to understanding that I need to help my pets and others as well. It is not animal training/behaviour is what it is..animal communication i.e. communicating with you pets mentally. Open your heart and belief you can talk to your animal. Everyone are able to communicate with their pet. Below are the details on when the workshop will be:
When: 26-27 February 2011
Price: RM800 net for both days
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Sri Wangsaria Condominium (for details on how to get there, please contact me)
Contact: Irene Lim

For those in Singapore or would like to attend the Singapore workshops Level 1,2 and 3, details are in their blog:

For more info on Rosina, goto or click on the right hand side of my page under Rosina Maria Arquati.