Look at this picture. What do you see? How would you interpret this photo? A loving dog that loves her owner? You would be correct. What else do you see? You cannot see her face but can you feel what she feels?
Her name is Donna. She is 2 years old and weighs 50 pounds. She is clinging onto her 'father's' leg begging. Her 'father' gave her up to HCAC due to owning too many dogs. So look closely again at this picture. Now how do you feel? She's begging her 'father' her carer whom she has known for 2 years to not give her up. You can almost hear her cry and hear her say" Please don't leave me!"
I don't stress this enough. Pets are for life. Whether you own a dog or a cat, you cannot just discard an animal just because you feel like it or that they have outgrown their uses. They have feelings, they feel pain, heartbreak, gets depress, happiness. Why are they treated like a piece of toy that can be conveniently thrown away? Would you give up your child or your grandparent because they are too noisy, outgrown their uses? Of course not..so why would pet carer do the same to an animal? Where is the compassion?
Back to Donna. Fortunately, Donna found a new home. She is safe and hopefully happier than she was in her previous home. She was one of the lucky few. What about those that do not have a home? That was abandoned because you are moving to a new house or it is getting too old? Too much trouble to care for. You know the saying, what goes around comes around. Treat an animal and abandon or abuse them, you shall be treated the same if not in this life and in the after life. Justice will be done in which ever world you are in.