Thursday, November 29, 2012

Products on sale

I've recently opened up my holistic shop. I also decided today while looking at my FB page that I also needed to get my products to those that aren't based in KL. So, with a click, I joined Blomming and online site that helps me sell the products through FB. My page only has a few products here, the rest of the products, please like my page on fb. Here's the link:

The centre is not a pet shop although in the future I shall have grooming 2 days a week by appointment only. I apologize that walk-ins will not be entertained. This is to ensure that the centre runs smoothly and without disruption.

We are also planning on having a social fur-parents weekend once a month where talks will be given on care of your pets, training, and grooming. The numbers will be limited and there will be cakes and coffees served that day.

Other future plans, I will be having my first animal communication workshop next year. I am aiming after Chinese New year. Those interested, please go to my fb page and message me. The details of it are being fine tuned. It will be a two day workshop.

On the 16th December, on the full moon, there will be a sound healing workshop named SOUL REVIVAL. I shall enlighten all of you later on in the week on what it entails. It will be a 1-2 hour workshop and it will be in the daytime.

On a later date, I will be giving a mini workshop on how to perform canine massage on you dogs. This workshop is aimed for owners with healthy dogs. Any dogs with medical condition, hip dysplasia will be turned away as it is only aimed for healthy dogs. I do not want run a risk of the owners who thinks that it's ok to join and perform on their dogs who has got hip dysplasia. You will hurt your dog further. For those cases, you MUST come and see me. This workshop is only for general information and how to warm your dog's muscle so that they do not incur any sprains or strains.