I am constantly being asked, how long is the session? What does it do? The statement I often hear is, "I can do it myself too!" Here's the short version of muscle therapy for dogs.
I can massage my dog too!
Yes I have no doubt that dog owners can massage their own dogs. In fact I'm sure lots of dog owners do. What I do is very different from just massaging the dogs. I work the muscles of the dog. I pinpoint which part of the muscle that needs to be 'unknotted' and sometimes the dog I work with will experience some discomfort but the result is, they normally end up relax and will fall asleep for a long time. I am a qualified therapist for dogs and have studied the musculoskeletal system of the dog. I am aware of the contraindication whereby I cannot and will not provide therapy for the dogs as it may injure them further.
How long does one session last?
For the first session, it may take up to an hour. The first hour I will sit with the owner and find out more about the dog and it's medical history. The diet that the dog is on, if there are any x-rays that I need to be aware of. Then I take a look at the dog's gait / movement. Which way he is swinging or favouring, whether he is lame..etc. Then I will sit and do a session on the dog. As it will be the dog's first session, it may not want to sit still and will fidget. The session may last only 20 minutes with the dog. As I do not believe in forcing the dog to sit still for the session, I will call it a day. The session will take time for the dog to adjust but he/she will feel the benefits from the first session. Eventually, the dog will be begging for a longer session!
Benefits of muscle therapy.
The benefits of muscle therapy for the dogs are many. For healthy dogs, it maintains their optimal level of health so as to ensure that their muscles are healthy and supple. This would in turn lessen any vet visitation. For dogs that do have health issues like hip dysplasia, muscle degeneration, sprain, strains, arthritis, this therapy will benefit them in helping them to loosen up their muscles. Dogs that have hip dysplasia will have better movement for their legs. Please note that this is not a cure for hip dysplasia. This treatment mainly helps the dog to ease the pain that they experience from hip dysplasia and gives them a better movement. Also note that if a dog suffers from hip dysplasia, they will be more reluctant to move or take their walks and their weight will slowly increase which in turn is bad for their hip, hence a vicious cycle. I have seen dogs that just got up after a treatment and started running around because she felt so good! For older dogs that suffers from arthritis, this is when the muscles and joints stiffen, this treatment will allow them to move around. Wouldn't it be great to see your dog being able to run again?
I currently have a dog that I have been treating for 3 years that was suffering from muscle spasms which is caused by muscle degeneration from her neck area. Since I started treatment with her, her spasms have stopped. Now her treatment has been reduced to once a month.
How often does the dog need treatment?
The frequency of treatment will depend on the vitality of the dog. For dogs that have health issues, I advise treatment once a week. I will then observe the dog for a period of time and see how he / she is progressing. If he / she is improving, the treatment will then be reduced to once every two weeks and eventually once a month. The observation of the owners is also very important as I can keep up to date on it's progress.
What does this therapy do?
Muscle therapy helps in oiling the muscles, create fresh oxygen flow and releases the toxins in the body. When the muscles are in optimum health, there will be less injuries and the dog will have a long and happy life.
What are the charges and where am I based?
Currently I do house calls. The charges for 2012 are as follows:
One time consultation fee RM10
Small dogs RM65
Medium dogs RM75
Large dogs RM85
There are packages that I'm offering. Please email me for details on happydogz13@gmail.com
I will also be available on the 12 February 2012 for the lovers and leashes event organized by SPCA at Jaya One from 12-8.