Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Be Vigilant with your pets

Today while I drove into Bangsar Village 1 to the grocers, I spotted a pomeranian being stroke by one of the bangsar village staff. You know one of those Burmese guys. I asked him who's dog it was, he replied he didn't know. The dog looked friendly and she just sat quietly. I quickly nipped into Village Grocers, bought what I needed and proceeded to where the dog was. I was asking around as to who was missing a dog but to no avail. So what now? I decided to take the dog and post it around. I gave the guy my card with my number at the back so when the owner asked around, he would be passed my card.

I drove to my centre, called around and posted on facebook. This was at 3.30pm. After calling around, in case I haven't found the owner, I found a fosterer to care for her. She was very calm and she followed me all over. I noticed that she had either given birth or was on heat but more likely that she had given birth and she was well groomed. To cut the long story short, with the help of SPCA who posted on FB as well, my Holistic page and my friend's phone call, she finally got home safely. I received a call from a girl in Australia stating that it's her mom's dog and that she has given birth. She told me that her maid had left the gate open and I also found out from her dad that she was just groomed day before. The dog just walked out the gate to find the groomers place. Now I never knew that dogs love grooming but apparently she did.

The point to this tale is this, please be vigilant with your pets. Leaving even the gate ajar can lead to your canines leaving the house. So many dogs have gone missing that way and I've had numerous call concerning missing dogs. She was one of the lucky ones. I'm glad that she's home.
Finally she's home! After a few hours of adventure.