Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nervous Dogs

Today was the lovers and leashes event in support of neutering cats around Jaya One which was supported by SPCA. There were many dogs of different breeds there. In the morning, there was lots of huskies and malamuts. I had a table there selling anti-oxidants and other goodies for the canines. I was also snapping some photos. This photo below started me thinking. How many of us know the dog's behaviour? Look at this picture, look at it's little face and look at it's body language. She's looking away from the camera. It tells me a lot about this dog. It is not because she is camera shy, it is because she is a nervous dog, she does not trust anyone easily and she's scared. So much information that we can read from just one picture. So how do you approach a dog with that disposition? With nervous dogs like this one, you cannot run up to it as it will run away, you cannot just start patting her either because you will run a risk of getting bitten because of her nervousness. Luckily this little one here did not suffer from aggression/fear. She was merely afraid of people and will turn away if anyone tried to pat her.

The next photo shows how you should approach a nervous / scared dog. First approach the dog quietly and softly. Do not create loud noises as this may spook the dog. Then offer out your hand to let the dog sniff your hand. The hand offer is to show that you mean the dog no harm. Here you can see the dog is still looking nervous. The correct way when extending out your hand to the dog is have your palm facing downwards. This reassures the dog that you mean him / her no harm. The without any sudden jerking movement, stroke the side of his / her face first before gently moving to stroke his / her head. She may not allow you to stroke her at all the first time and that is fine. At least contact has been made and she knows you mean her no harm. To create a relationship with a nervous dog takes time but once she trusts you, she will be your friend for life. So be patient and keep trying because I promise you, the gift of friendship and loyalty from your new found friend is priceless.

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