Friday, January 8, 2010

Children and pets

Children when young have no qualms or fear of anything they do. In fact they are fearless! If they fall down, they just pick themselves and go. They learn from what we as adults show them. They get their fears, prejudices, likes and dislikes from the adults. I haven't seen a single child that is not influence by reactions around them. Where is this going you may ask.

My dog gets regular walk every day twice a day for at least 30 minutes. He loves his walks, he loves to greet people and loves other dogs and kids. Picture this scene, while walking the dog, you see a child. Two reaction will occur:
1) The child gets really curious and wants to come and pat the dog
2) The parent of the child will say, 'he's going to bite you' to prevent the child from coming near.

The second scenario is really upsetting. It is offensive to hear that my dog is aggressive when he isn't! This is where the child takes the cue and develops fear in dogs. Yes I understand some parents do not like their children to be exposed to animals. Probably looking at an animal raises fear in the parents..which I think is ridiculous.

Where is this leading? Well, during christmas, my in laws were over in Malaysia. I also love to take photos especially where there are animals involved. I managed to take this great picture of my niece and zoe the boxer. This photo shows the unconditional love of zoe and my niece. Personally, animals can teach us so much and the kids gain so much from them.

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