Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dog care and ownership

I'm amazed at how insensitive people can be. First they buy a designer pup, then find out that the pup suffers from hip dysplasia and decides that they want the dog down. This is a puppy! Why even get a puppy if you don't even want to care for it because it has hip dysplasia?! So if you have a kid and he or she has some defect, would you say, put her or him to sleep? What has the world come to? Designer dogs, rhinos being hunted down for their horns and massacred and left for dead yet still survives the ordeal...I am so sadden by society and how they behave. Do you think that just because they are animals, they do not feel pain, sadness, suffer from depression and happiness? Do you think they don't feel rejection? Should you as owners take responsibility for the pet you have bought and not just discard it just because they have a defect? Spend time with them, even with the problem they have. It isn't their fault that they have hip dysplasia. Having pets is not a status symbol for you. They are not toys for you to discard. Just because they cannot tell you how they feel, does not give you the right to behave in such a manner.
Yes I an ranting today. I feel very strongly about animal issues be it a dog, cat, lions, rhinos. Every animal has feelings. As an animal communicator, I feel each and every feeling they feel. Sometimes it's pretty overwhelming. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry. What they feel is very real and you only have to open up your heart to feel what they feel.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


May is here! How fast time flies. The election is over and the cries of foul play on the results are on everyone's lips. The race card was played by the government for losing most of the people's votes. How far have we come..?! Apparently, we haven't progressed as much as we would like to believe. Yes new buildings come up, condominiums, high end apartments, huge houses but when one's thought process does not evolve, we have not gone very far at all. When responsibility is being thrown around and no accountability for the action is the general theme of our society today.

The time leading up to the general election, I have felt the energy. The highly charged wanting for change energy. The people's need for change. So much so that everyday when i wake up, I'm tired. I do not get enough rest. I felt really drain. After the election, there was a sense of pride, relief and worry. I didn't feel so drained as I've learned to protect myself. I was relief that the election is over, and saddened by the result. The struggles of our country still continues to fight for fair result.

A few days ago, with all the stress going around the country, I stepped into the garden. There were my two big dogs, the boxer and rottweiler who was playing tug of war on a toy. It was such joy to see them play and for a minute or so, all the worries just melted away. Watching them play with such candor just made me forget the going ons today. Look at those faces and tell me you don't agree with me.