On that day, I had a table whereby I was selling holistic supplements for animals, promoting and raising awareness on canine myofunctional therapy and the benefits of it. There was a sale of novelty collars and jewellery for humans too! There was a box whereby I was raising money for an animal shelter in Egypt named Touch of Life as well as 10% of my sales will go towards the organization as well. Why I am raising money for a shelter not based in Malaysia? Well, Malaysian shelters have gotten a wide awareness from the public. They get donations from the public as well as the government (if they have NGO status). I decided, why not try raising awareness for other shelters from other countries? In Egypt, the animal shelter do not get governmental aid and they rely solely on donations by the public. Vets are hard to come by. Recently there was a horse that was abandoned, with broken legs that was lying on the road for at least a week. It was emanciated and who knows what was wrong with it. The shelter was desperately looking for a vet but I think none was found. The horse died a few hours after being found. That is just one of the heart wrenching stories in Egypt. I did raise some monies for the shelter. This will be a continued task on my part to raise so more monies for this shelter in order for the animals be fed and taken care of.
Back to the Santa paws event, my ambassador for that day was my little female poogle (poodle/beagle). She was an adorable little dog on that day. All calm, cool and collective. She checked out everything that was there, sat and took care of my stall and behaved herself. I am a very proud mum!