Pet ownership, especially if you own a dog, carries along a new set of responsibility. A pet is not something you buy or adopt because your child wants it, nor is it something you can discard when you are bored or ignore once they are in your home. They are a part of your family and should be treated like a part of your family. They want to feel love, wanted and to be taken out for walks. Every morning and evening, my dogs look forward to their walks. They will sit in front of us in the evening telling us, it's time to go out. In the morning, our female will wake up, jump off the bed and nudge us with her cold nose to get up so that she can go for her walks. I want to tell you today about exercising your dog(s). Exercising your pets is essential for their health. The benefits you will get from your dogs are boundless.
Walking with your dog has so many benefits for owners and for the dogs:
1. It gives you a workout. You don't have to pay a huge amount of money to the gym for a brisk walk with your dog.
2. It creates a stronger bond between you and your dog and make you both closer to each other.
3. It keeps the dogs muscles supple and keeps the dog healthy
4. Dogs that do go for their daily walks, exercise or runs, will be less likely to suffer from dementia when they are older. It is a very sad to see dogs that are going senile in their old age.
Every dog that I have had, I've had a special bond with them all. My first west highland terrier, was with me through my ups and downs. I would take her out for long walks in London when I was living there and we would have such fun. The joys of having to walk her off the leash and watching her jump in and out of lakes was priceless. Then to see a smile on her face was so precious. I know in Malaysia, walking your dogs off leash is impossible, the restriction imposed by DBKL, the cars on the road would be unsafe as there are no parks that your dog can walk unleash. Also there is the problem on irresponsible owners that just do not pick up their dog's waste (that's in my last blog).
Practise responsible ownership. Exercise your dogs and pick up your dog's waste because it will create a more positive atmosphere between non dog owners and dog owners.