Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Foods to avoid giving to your dogs

Hi All! I was just sitting by my computer and realized that many people do not realize that there are certain foods that your pet dogs should not be given. Not only should it not be given, but it is also dangerous to your dog's health if eaten. I will list 10 most common 'foods'
1. Chocolate
2. Raisins
3. Grapes
4. Caffeine
5. Pet or human drugs (I know some pet owners do give benadryl to their pets)
6. snail or slug poison
7. Insecticide ( this is obvious)
8. Toads (there are plenty around that your pet might just put his/her mouth around it)
9. Household chemicals (make sure they are kept away from pets)
10. Certain plants can be harmful for your pets.

Prevention is better than cure. So for the loving pet owners out there, please take note. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Animal Communication Workshop with Rosina Arquati

It was about a bit over a year ago that this workshop caught my attention..Animal Communication workshop. It is the first time that this workshop has been brought to Malaysia and I have been wondering whether I can communicate with animals as I have a passion for them. So I enrolled into this workshop and the rest as they say is history. I am a qualified animal communicator after completing all three levels and a healer for animals. The journey has been long and it is still ongoing. So I was excited that Rosina, my teacher is now coming back to Malaysia for a level 1 workshop. Anyone who loves their pets, who are curious as to what your pets are thinking, and how to help them, please attend the workshop. It is a once in a lifetime experience. This workshop provided me to understanding that I need to help my pets and others as well. It is not animal training/behaviour training..it is what it is..animal communication i.e. communicating with you pets mentally. Open your heart and belief you can talk to your animal. Everyone are able to communicate with their pet. Below are the details on when the workshop will be:
When: 26-27 February 2011
Price: RM800 net for both days
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: Sri Wangsaria Condominium (for details on how to get there, please contact me)
Contact: Irene Lim

For those in Singapore or would like to attend the Singapore workshops Level 1,2 and 3, details are in their blog:

For more info on Rosina, goto http://rosina.wordpress.com or click on the right hand side of my page under Rosina Maria Arquati.