As I sit here in front of my computer, I'm at a lost for words. I don't have a clue what and how to say this. Normally words comes very easy to me but today, it is different. You see, we found out this afternoon that out little bonnie has renal failure. Both her kidneys aren't functioning and as I write this, the little one is sitting at the vets on a IV drip to rehydrate her little body and to flush out her puss in her bladder. I am devastated by this news. I am in despair. The vet was surprise as to my dogs condition. You see, she's only 2 years old...only an adolescent. So, for a young dog to suffer from renal failure is very uncommon. My husband searched the net and found that there is a disease called "renal dysplasia" whereby the failure of the kidneys is genetic. Which comes back to moralisitic are the breeders here in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world. It doesn't only happen in Malaysia but everywhere else. Those who buy their pups from the pet shops, do not get the history of this pup and where the lineage is from but only to take the word of the salesperson that tells you and we trust and take their word for it because the puppy looks so cute! I am ashamed to admit this but I am one of those 'people' that bought my dog in the pet shop.
I digress. Back to Bonnie. It seems to be the general concensus that there is nothing the vet can do with renal failure. Kidneys do not regenerate unlike the liver. The most they can do is do administer iv drip or a sub- cuteneous liquid to the dog which aids in the dogs hydration. I on the other hand refused to believe that there is nothing that can be done. When I got home, after allowing myself a good cry, went onto the net, and did some research and found that there is a product that may help reverse the condition. Now I don't know how good this product will be or even whether it will work but I am willing to give it a shot and who knows, it just might work.